Kitiibwa Quick Foods Center
Elijah is the head teacher of the school we had the opportuinity to work at during our stay in Bugembe, a very small village in Uganda.
A few days before coming back to Europe, Elijah told us that he owns a little street food stand in the main road of the village and he asked us if we could paint it. To be honest, this was a dream we had since the first time we saw all these little wooden stands that decorate the side of the roads.
We didn’t think twice and the day after we were already working on it. Elijah loves flowers, so we decided to cover it with different shapes and colors that reminded us of him. What actually made the project magical was the support and the collaboration with so many people and kids that wanted to help us in its decoration.
We lived unforgettable moments while painting that place and we are proud to contribute to Elijah’s little business.
Again, if we would ever end up in Bugembe, here are the coordinate of Kitiibwa Quick Foods Center:
Ask for a Chapati or a Rolex, you can’t go wrong!