AEIOU is a language that defines itself through the creation of empyrean experiences, scenographies, installations, videos, murals, public interventions and any other field or surface that might need an unconventional approach.

AEIOU writes stories and make them tangible.

AEIOU hacks the urban space through poetic acts that aim to engage with people, providing unexpected installations and communitary projects.

AEIOU is based in Barcelona.

In order to keep on dreaming, AEIOU also generate a vast range of handmade and unique pieces that cross the border of reality and chase the honiric.

AEIOU dreams about:
- hang swings around the city
- paint the candy shop of an old lady in Barcelona

- set up an exposition in a supermarket

- build a kiddie rider
- design a playground for adults
- hang flags on random trees in a park for a day
- set up an exhibition in a gallery toilette
- collaborate with old ladies to design unique t-shirts

- design an inflatable structure

- build a hut in the middle of the city

- get a TukTuk and use it as a pop-up shop
- organize a giant treasure hunt in the city
- trasform a public toilet into a meditation temple
- make Eric fly
- organize a workshop in a retirement house
- perform a poetic act in a “non-place”
- organize a meeting where people  “bring your favourite plant around for a whole day” 
- craft a “double outfit” so two people can share a day in the same skin
- shoot a surreal short movie of the “street dog wedding” phenomenon in Mauritius Island